Every year I get some huge great toadstools growing in the back garden. I think they're Blusher Caps and therefore edible but I don't trust myself enough to try since Blushers and the poisonous Panther Caps are very similar looking. Whether or not they're Blushers or Panthers, they're a good way of knowing whether the Fly Agaric are growing in the nearby woodland in Hockley.
Knowing there was a good chance of finding Fly Agaric, I thought I'd head there with the camera and got these shots.
Blushers or Panthers - taken in my back garden. |
A very clean looking Fly Agaric, they tend to get very beaten up, very quickly - insects seem to be attracted to them which is unfortunate for them since it kills them! The name, "Fly Agaric", was given to them because housewives would pick them and leave them in milk - flies would be attracted to them and it would provide a natural insecticide. |
Another Fly Agaric, this one has only just sprouted and is already being attacked by insects. |
I think these are Honey Fungus, but I could be wrong. |
This is an Magpie Ink Cap, this one is in pretty good condition - they don't tend to survive very long. These are meant to be quite rare, so it is just another example of the brilliant biodiversity that is still clinging on for dear life in Hockley Woods. |
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